NEW WINDSOR – The Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh held its second annual ‘Stand by Me Gala’ on Saturday at the Meadowbrook in New Windsor.
The Stand by Me Gala, sponsored in part by Central Hudson, St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital and Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC, is an event created to celebrate the Boys & Girls Club’s female members while honoring the positive males who have pledged to “stand by” them through their actions, encouragement and continued support.
Kevin White, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh said, “It is our goal to celebrate and encourage the positive male role models in our community.” This year, the event was open to the public and the Boys & Girls Club invited the young woman, and their role models, to take part in this very special event.
Speaking to the male role models in attendance, White said, “That young lady next to you is excited to be here. It’s important that women in our lives know they are loved.” White explained that, “How we treat them will shape how they believe men should be.”
White encouraged the male role models to continue to give the girls in their lives unconditional love, and to always offer encouragement. “Tell them how beautiful they are and that they can be anything they want to,” White said.
Part of the Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh’s mission is to provide their members with ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals. To this end, Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh places significant value on the presence of a positive male role model in a young girl’s life.
Studies have shown that involvement of a father or a positive male role model in the lives of children has profound, positive effects on them. “We wish to be inclusive of all types of role models. Our intention is to recognize the grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, and teachers who contribute to the wellbeing of our female members each and every day,” said Dareshanie D’Arpino, Program Director. “We want to make sure their efforts and dedication are acknowledged.”
The formal event included dinner, dancing, photo opportunities and other meaningful activities, like a dance performance by the Senior Ensemble from the Newburgh Performing Arts Academy.