NCBCP Calls For a United Effort as Key to High Black Voter Turnout

Several of the nation’s leading civil rights, social justice, labor, faith-based, youth, civic, media, education and business leaders plan to meet this week in Atlanta to share strategies, partnership opportunities; and develop a unified coalition to ensure the Black vote is fully mobilized and every vote counts on November 8, 2016.  The organizing meeting is part of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) ongoing Unity’16 National Black Voter Empowerment Campaign (Unity ’16 Campaign).

The NCBCP Unity ’16 Campaign strategy and organizing meeting to be held on June 14 & 15, 2016, is the first in a series the NCBCP plans to hold around the country.   It will be help at the Hyatt Regency Downtown, 265 Peachtree Street, NE, in Atlanta, Georgia.

“There is a number of Black voter mobilization, organizing and voter protection efforts going on right now that Black-led national and state-based organizations are leading and the Unity ’16 Campaign wants to elevate and showcase to maximize our collective and individual impact at the polls.  Our aim is to ensure that we have  a strong and effective unified coalition, said  Melanie L. Campbell,  CEO & President of  NCBCP. “Black America cannot afford to let any candidate take the Black vote for granted from local, state to national.  We have a rich history of voting which must be amplified in 2016 and beyond as if our lives depend on it… because they do.”

Thomas W. Dortch, Jr., board chair of the NCBCP shared “The 2016 Election is here and we must be ready, unified and organized.   Our goal is simple—we want to be proactive in ensuring that the Black vote is not marginalized, is fully engaged and respected in this important election and beyond,” he said.

On November 8th, the nation will elect the 45th president, 435 members of the U. S.  House of Representative, 34 U. S. Senators, 12 state governors and 88 of the 99 state legislative chambers.  Further, history has proven that all politics is local and that local elections matter—41 of the 100 largest cities and municipal elections including the mayor and/or city council.

With just less than five months until the November 8  Presidential election,  the NCBCP and its partners are committed to building a unified coalition to ensure the Black vote is fully mobilized, issues vital to the future of Black America are front and center by ALL candidates running for national, state and local office; our votes are protected and counted on November 8, 2016; and Black communities hold elected officials accountable once we elect them to office.