NEW YORK – The NAACP’s Task Force on Quality Education will hold a hearing in New York, Thursday, April 27, at Harlem Hospital Center & Pavilion in the Herbert G. Cave Auditorium, second Floor, 506 Lenox Avenue (135th Street), New York, New York, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Task Force was formed by the National Board of the NAACP following a resolution passed at the NAACP’s 107TH Annual Convention last year calling for a moratorium on new charter schools until there was an examination of governance issues within charter schools, and a fuller determination of charter schools’ relationship to, and effect on, traditional public schools.
Hearings were held in New Haven, Memphis, Orlando, Detroit, New Orleans, and Los Angeles to explore the issues raised by this resolution and, more generally, a broad range of factors that might affect a child’s education. The Task Force will report its findings and recommendations to the Association’s Education Committee. In previous hearings the task force has heard from teachers, school superintendents, public and charter school principals, academics and other experts, parents, children and others, representing a wide spectrum of views. The hearing in New York City will be its last before the Task Force turns to drafting its report and recommendations.
NAACP President and CEO, Cornell W. Brooks, Chairman Emeritus, Roslyn Brock, will attend the hearing.
The hearing is open to the media and the general public. Following testimony from panelists and invited guests, audience members will be invited to speak on the issues raised in the hearing. Those members of the public who wish to speak are asked to register at the hearing before the panelists begin their testimony. This registration will begin when the doors open at 5 p.m.