Barber-Fraser Interns at Smithsonian Museum

WASHINGTON, DC – Smith College student Kennedy Barber-Fraser, from Newbugh is spending part of her summer at an internship with The Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Barber-Fraser, who is majoring in History will work as an intern at The Museum of American History helping prepare the new interactive lunch counter display, which will give visitors an immersive experience of the Civil Rights protests of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

The internship was funded through Praxis:  The Liberal Arts at Work internship program at Smith, which provides access to funding for summer internships that build upon a student’s academic studies and offer opportunities for career exploration. Smith encourages students to undertake quality internships by alleviating some of the financial burden associated with internships and by defraying internship-related expenses such as room, board and travel; more than 400 do so each year.

Smith College is consistently ranked among the nation’s foremost liberal arts colleges. Enrolling 2,800 students from every state and 60 other countries, Smith is the largest undergraduate women’s college in the nation.