Legal Services Awarded $75K for Attorney

WHITE PLAINS – Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (LSHV), the only provider of comprehensive civil legal services to those that cannot afford it in the seven counties of the lower and mid-Hudson Valley, was awarded a $75,000 grant through the New York State Legislature thanks to the assistance of New York State Senator David Carlucci representing the 38th District.  This grant will enable LSHV to hire a staff attorney in its Spring Valley office to provide a full-range of family law and immigration legal services to victims of domestic violence in Rockland County.

In 2016 LSHV attorneys handled 2,320 cases that involved domestic violence, impacting more than 1,600 survivors and 3,500 household members under the age of 18.In Rockland County, LSHV handled more than 100 Domestic Violence cases impacting almost 300 family members in 2016.

“We are truly honored to receive this generous grant from the New York State Legislature. Hundreds of our neighbors in Rockland will now be able to find safety thanks to Senator Carlucci’s support,” said Barbara Finkelstein, LSHV’s CEO.

Though “Justice for All” is a promise given to all Americans, it often eludes those who can’t afford an attorney, because there is no right to counsel in most civil matters in this country (only in criminal cases).  Thus, people who can’t afford legal representation end up going to court alone – and many lose everything.  The support of a civil legal services attorney can make all the difference, especially in securing an order of protection to keep victims of domestic violence survivors.  Studies have shown that survivors with an attorney secure an order of protection in 83% of their cases vs. 32% that represent themselves because they cannot afford an attorney.

LSHV’s Domestic Violence Program is client centered, and its attorneys provide more than just specialized knowledge of the law.  They take an empathetic, holistic approach to building trust with their clients who are domestic violence survivors, and seek to empower them to find their voice after years of being deprived of their decision-making.  Thanks to this grant, a LSHV staff attorney in Rockland will advocate, represent, and defend the rights of domestic violence survivors in civil legal proceedings in family courts to help them obtain orders of protection, custody of their children, child/spousal support and other essentials involving safety and survival.  For eligible immigrants that are victims of domestic violence, LSHV can also assist with VAWA self-petitions, Battered Spouse Waivers, U-Visas, green cards and work permits.  Because many of our clients also have secondary issues, our holistic approach enables our team to provide assistance with housing, public benefits, disability, employment law, and other matters

Senator Carlucci said, “Too often, victims of domestic violence, especially those who are seeking to enter our country to escape their abusers, don’t know where to turn for help. Providing this grant for Legal Services of the Hudson Valley will help us get the word out about services available to help people in this terrible situation.  I know the work of the team at the Legal Services of the Hudson Valley will do an excellent job representing their clients in these matters and I look forward to seeing the success of their work.”