NAACP Response to Attempt to Repeal ACA

BALTIMORE, MD –  Recenlty, NAACP Interim President and Chief Executive Officer Derrick Johnson responded to the United States Senate’s attempt to pass a “skinny repeal” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) late last night. If it had prevailed, the “skinny repeal” would have ended the ACA’s individual and employer mandates, and provided states with greater flexibility to allow insurance that is not ACA-compliant. Overall, the move would have cost 16 million Americans their health care.

“Affordable healthcare is a civil right that must be protected by any means necessary – and last night, 51 Senators did exactly that. We applaud the leaders who stood strong in the face of this ‘skinny repeal’ and refused to effectively sign death warrants on 16 million Americans, if not more,” said Johnson.

“Though we celebrate this victory today, we must remember that our health care system is still at risk of being hijacked and turned into a ‘wealth care’ system for the rich tomorrow.

Many in Washington would still have the most vulnerable among us– namely children, the elderly, the disenfranchised – pushed to the margins of our society, unable to afford life-saving treatments, while padding the pockets of the one-percent. We hope that last night’s actions will serve as a reminder that we will not allow our nation to be transformed into a land where democracy remains a reality for the rich, but just theory for the poor, working class and communities of color. Here at the NAACP, we commit to continuing to educate, agitate, litigate and participate until every American can rest easy at night, knowing that they and their loves ones will be able to receive quality, affordable healthcare,” Johnson added.