NEWBURGH – Come to Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site, in Newburgh, and Warm Up at the Washingtons’ on Sunday, December 10th, 12 until 4 PM. Historic interpreters in each seasonally decorated room, will greet visitors and share what took place when the Washingtons occupied the Hasbrouck farmhouse during the last winter of the Revolutionary War.
The Salmagundi Consort will perform period appropriate music by an indoor Dutch jambless fireplace, while cookies and warm cider are served near an outdoor fire.
Admission is free for the day, compliments of the Friends of the State Historic Sites of the Hudson Highlands. Call 845-562-1195 for details and directions.
While in the neighborhood visiting us, stop in and see the homes in the Newburgh Historic District featured on the Candlelight Tours. Contact the Crawford House at 845-561-2585 for more information and ticket prices.