“Urban Renewal! What’s Really Been Renewed?”

As my mind travels back to the early 1960’s I find myself feeling deeply saddened as I think about my past experiences during that time. Especially 1961, for that was the year that my most precious jewel, my grandmother, took her last breath on this earth at the age of 54. Why?

“Urban Renewal” snatched her most precious possession, other than her family, away from her and that literally broke her heart. What was that possession? Her first purchased house!
She and my grandfather had worked and saved their money and in 1948 they purchased their first house, which was 116 Smith Street. This was a beautiful three story building, which also had a basement. It also had a lovely backyard and in that yard she had a garden where she planted tomatoes, cucumbers, and other veggies. We also had an apple tree and a grapevine in that back yard and grandma used to make her own wine from the grapes. Every day after coming home from work Grandma would be out there in the backyard tending to her garden.

In the years to follow, in the early 60’s, Urban Renewal evolved and the amount of money that they offered my grandparents for their house was criminal and it literally broke Grandma’s heart.

In the summer of 1961, at the age of 54, grandma had a stroke and she died as the result of it.

She didn’t get a chance to move into their new home, which was located on Lander St., which at that time was in a much better condition than it is now.

Now let me move forward to the present time, which is 57 years later. I find myself being faced with the same type of emotions, only this time it’s because it seems to be that the powers that be are most definitely not interested in allowing “affordable” housing to be built on that land which was where a lot of us Black folks once lived. Nothing has really changed since then except the faces. Recently, I’ve started reading “A Higher Loyalty – Truth, Lies, And Leadership” by James Comey, former director of the FBI. He says, “Without a fundamental commitment to the truth – especially in our public institutions and those who lead them – we are lost. As a legal principle, if people don’t tell the truth, our justice system cannot function and a society based on the rule of law begins to dissolve. As a leadership principle, if leaders don’t tell the truth, or won’t hear the truth from others, they cannot make good decisions, they cannot themselves improve, and they cannot inspire trust among those who follow them.” To that I ask our leaders in the city of Newburgh government this question, “why has it taken so long for that property that “Urban Renewal” destroyed to be developed? What are your “truthful” plans for that specific property? Who are the people that will eventually be living on that property?” Will it be people of various income levels, which will include low- income residents? Please tell the “Truth!”

Let me end this with this information: this past Tuesday, May 8th “Nu-Voters Movement” held a informational event regarding housing, and founder Omari Shakur invited New York State candidate for Governor, Cynthia Nixon to be the guest speaker. Many questions regarding the status of housing were asked of her by many participants and she addressed the questions in a very “SERIOUS” and responsible manner. She said that she most definitely will be coming back to Newburgh. Some “CVH Action” members were also in attendance at this event. We most definitely will be looking forward to Candidate Cynthia Nixon returning to our city for I most definitely would like to hear more from her.

Hopefully, all of the mothers had a beautiful Mother’s Day and hopefully the majority participated in this past Tuesday’s “School Board” election. I hope and pray that my son Philip Howard was granted another term on the board. Also, hopefully those that will strive towards making our school district one of the best in New York State were also winners.

This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say!