SUNY Ulster Offers One Week Study Abroad Trip

STONE RIDGE – SUNY Ulster is offering a study abroad opportunity for students, alumni, health and human services professionals, and the community with Durban University of Technology in South Africa in March 2019. The SUNY Ulster Office of Academic Travel, COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning), and the Nursing Department have partnered to offer this one-credit travel component for the NUR 254 COIL Collaboration with Durban University of Technology’s Department of Nursing. SUNY Ulster Nursing Professor Dr. Ellen Tangney will lead and instruct the course. The trip runs from Friday, March 8 to Saturday, March 16, 2019.
The class will include:
* An opportunity for students to connect with Durban University of Technology’s nursing student culture first hand
* A visit to psychiatric clinics to view local mental health services
* A visit to Community Health Clinic Centers
* A visit to traditional healers and health practitioners who practice a holistic approach to healing
* A day visit to deep rural clinics
* A service learning component and the opportunity for all participants to act as international ambassadors
Those interested are encouraged to register soon, as seats are limited. For more information on the trip, travel guidelines, or to reserve your space, contact Christopher Seubert, Academic Travel Program Coordinator, by phone at (845) 687-5134 or by email at