4-H Program Youth Answer Military Call For Help

MIDDLETOWN – County Executive Steve Neuhaus is currently serving in the Navy Reserves in the Middle East along with many men and women protecting our country. Mr. Neuhaus put out a request to the residents of Orange County to help the men and women while serving in the Middle East by donating the everyday items we all take for granted.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County 4-H Program jumped right into the request under the leadership of Program Educator Lisa Hintze. The day after the request hit social media Lisa called up all 4-Hers to pull together to help those in need. Within the week the group has gathered boxes and boxes of the items which Mr. Neuhaus has requested. Items requested — baby wipes because the soldiers do not get to shower often due to the lack of water and toilet paper is not available. Foot spray is another “favorite” item needed to help from the wet, hot feet wearing boots day in and day out in the desert heat. And rounding out the top three items, eye drops to help get the sand out of their eyes each day from the sand storms in the desert.

The youth boxed up the items and are delivering to the County Veteran Office for shipping to the Middle East. The youth also designed and wrote cards to accompany the items to say “thank you” to all the soldiers for their service to our country.

“The response was overwhelming as everyone came together to give back to those giving so much for all Americans,” stated Lisa Hintze, Program Educator. “4-H is built on community service and helping others. We are very proud of our members and the residents of Orange County for their contributions.”

4-H will continue to collect items for soldiers for the next two weeks. If you would like to contribute, please drop off the items at Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County, 18 Seward Avenue, Middletown – 3rd floor. Items needed include sunscreen, Gatorade mix packets, hygiene items such as deodorant, hand sanitizer, lip balm, disposable razors, travel size shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, Q-tips, greeting cards, playing cards, energy bars, cookies, gum, hard candies.

Thank you to Mr. Neuhaus, to all the men and women serving in the armed forces, and to the families of the soldiers waiting for your return. Your sacrifice and service make us all proud to be Americans.

Cornell Cooperative Extension and its partnerships provide programs for Orange County residents on youth and family development; nutrition, health, and food safety; community and economic vitality; and agricultural sustainability through Cornell based research.

Committed to Orange County, we design programs to meet local needs to enable people to improve their lives and communities. For more information call Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County at 845-344-1234 or visit our website at www.cceorangecounty.org.