New License For Exempt Firemen’s Association

POUGHKEEPSIE – The State Liquor Authority has approved a new liquor license for the Exempt Firemen’s Association in Poughkeepsie after it was abruptly pulled last July for 13 violations including the illegal sale of drugs and illegal gambling inside the facility.

Meeting on Wednesday, the SLA approved the new license with five stipulations:
* All directors and officers in place on September 17, 2018 must be removed;
* Alcoholic beverage service must stop at 12 a.m.;
* Closing time on Sundays through Thursdays is 12 a.m.;
* Closing time on Fridays and Saturdays is 1 a.m.
* No DJ’s, promoters, promoted events, and events open to the public.

The SLA board made its decision following receipt of six letters of support for the organization including from State Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson, Mayor Robert Rolison, Police Chief Tomas Pape, Dutchess County Legislator Randy Johnson, City Alderwoman Lorraine Johnson, and the Rev. Tyler Jones of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Other violations for which the SLA had pulled the association’s license last summer included the sale of liquor for off-premises consumption and the sale of marijuana in front of the club’s ABC officer and another member and the smoking of marijuana on the property with those members present.