Fidelis Care Expands Poughkeepsie Footprint

POUGHKEEPSIE – Fidelis Care, a Statewide health plan with 24 community offices, officially opened its newly expanded location at 25 Market Street in Poughkeepsie last Thursday. The ribbon-cutting ceremony, featuring local dignitaries, providers, and community partners, who highlighted Fidelis Care’s commitment to continue serving local residents, was held to mark the occasion.

The Fidelis Care Poughkeepsie Office has undergone a significant expansion, nearly doubling in size to 3,900 square feet, to help accommodate growth, and to meet the needs of staff, members, and the local community. The office provides a convenient location for local residents shopping for health insurance to have their questions answered and receive help applying for enrollment.


“For the past 12 years, Fidelis Care has been focused on serving the Poughkeepsie community through our local office,” said Pam Hassen, Fidelis Care Chief Member Engagement Officer. “As a vital resource and partner, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care and service. Our newly expanded office provides residents with a friendly and accessible environment to have all their questions answered and get the important information they need.”

Fidelis Care’s new community office is staffed with knowledgeable and highly trained representatives. Local residents are able to receive one-to-one personalized assistance, whether they are applying for enrollment, renewing their coverage, or having their questions answered.

The Medicare annual election period will run from October 15 through December 7 and enrollment for Qualified Health Plans through New York State of Health will begin on November 1. Local residents can call (845) 483-1292 to make an appointment. Fidelis Care’s Poughkeepsie Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5 PM.