DC 9 Raises $6,000, Donates Coats To Community

NEWBURGH – District Council 9 raised $6,000 and donated hundreds of winter coats through the union’s 5th annual coat drive in memory of brother John J. Barrett.

All monetary donations were used to purchase children’s winter coats and were distributed at Community Voices Heard, a multi-racial organization building power to secure racial, social and economic justice for all New Yorkers, in their Newburgh office on January 30. The direct collection of coats and winter clothing was donated to The Bowery Mission, a nonprofit serving homeless and hungry New Yorkers on January 16.

“Every year, I’ve been amazed and humbled by the generosity of our members through this coat drive and countless community outreach efforts,” said Joseph Azzopardi, Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer of District Council 9. “We want to ensure that our communities are prepared for the cold winter months ahead of us. We are proud to work with The Bowery Mission and Community Voices Heard and look forward to a continued partnership in the years to come.”

“Every donation to our community, no matter how small, makes a huge difference. This partnership with District Council 9 has had a significant impact on local families, and we are thankful for their support this winter,” said Juanita Lewis from Community Voices Heard.
This coat drive follows the District Council’s Thanksgiving food drives that donated $6,800 in food products to locations in the Bronx and New Rochelle. The union is also looking forward to its 5th Annual Community Day of Action in April.