Ryan: Zero Tolerance For Hate in Ulster County

KINGSTON – Ulster County has a Human Rights Commission, and officials gathered Monday afternoon at the LGBTQ Center in Kingston to remind the public that it is working for them.

Tyrone Wilson serves full time as county’s human rights commissioner and he wants to strengthen law enforcement measures and reach out to the public and the business community. “I don’t want human rights to be about just taking in claims and assessing claims.” He said human rights “should also acknowledge good businesses and agencies that’s actually doing well in the Hudson Valley from treating their employees well, showing a good example of what a good business should look like. I would love to acknowledge these businesses and say thank you for taking care of their employees and thank you for running a great business. Make sure they know we are out there meeting people and people know us.”

“In the wake in a rise in hatred, division, and discrimination, we have zero tolerance for that in Ulster County,” said Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, “and that we have a Human Rights Commission that we are continuing to add and build more resources to and make every single resident aware if they have an issue or a discriminated against, whether in employment or housing or being served in a restaurant or whatever the case may be, they can come forward to the commission, and we will work to resolve that issue.”

Since 2018, the county has received 24 complaints.