Orange County DMV Re-opened June 23rd

GOSHEN – Orange County Clerk Annie Rabbitt has announced that the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is open by appointment only for Orange County residents starting on Tuesday, June 23rd, which begins Phase 3 of the State’s NY Forward re-opening plan.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, residents can call to make appointments, beginning on Friday, June 19th at the Middletown (845-346-1180) and Newburgh (845-568-5230) offices. Appointments can be scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Goshen and Port Jervis offices currently are unable to offer appointments.
Transactions available are license/ID original and renewals, upgrade to Enhanced or RealID, license transfers from another state, conditional or restricted licenses, CDL permits, (passenger permits are not available at this time) and vehicle registrations. To process transactions within the time provided, it is imperative that you remember that:

Forms are required for all transactions. The New York State DMV website has an interactive tool for both Licensing and Vehicle Registration, which includes step-by-step instructions with the required forms and documents. Answer all questions, sign where required, and be sure to have a pen with you.

Documents required for the transaction must be original and in good condition. Any missing required documents will require making another appointment. Please have your insurance card printed and in hand.

Please be on time, do not lose your slot by arriving late.

Masks are required to enter the DMV office and social distancing must be observed for the length of your visit.

The DMV continues to offer Vehicle Registrations, transfers, and plate surrenders by mail.

Visit the Motor Vehicle Department page on for instructions on how to complete these transactions. A Drop Box is available for plate surrenders and Vehicle Renewal invitations only at Goshen Government Center Security Station.

Rabbitt is also pleased to announce other expanded services now available during Phase 3. During NY Pause, all services were available by mail or electronically. The County Clerk encourages the continued use of e-recording and mail in requests for Court Papers, Business Certificates, Pistol Permit amendments, and Land Recordings. Scheduling will begin for in person appointments for certain services. Refer to the County Clerk’s webpage at for details about each service that the County Clerk offers.

You may also email your inquiry to

Rabbitt and her staff appreciate your patience and cooperation during these unprecedented times.