MIDDLETOWN – With an eye toward smartly and tactically guiding SUNY Orange to its 75th anniversary in 2025, and in recognition of the College’s 70th Founders Day this week (June 9), the SUNY Orange Board of Trustees announces its recent unanimous approval of the College’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025.
The plan, shaped over the past year by input from a broad array of constituencies internally and externally, will empower, strengthen, sustain and invigorate the College’s vision and mission with strategies that are responsive to the communities the College serves and times in which it serves.
“This plan came together during a complex period for the College and our community, but it was important that we craft a thoughtful guiding document that allows us to prepare for opportunities that will present themselves, chart new directions for the College and react to adversities we may face,” said Fred Watson, chair of the Board. “I want to thank the entire Board for its insight and work, but especially Trustee Ralph Martucci for serving as the Board’s liaison to the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. We look forward to the implementation plan, benchmarks and measurable metrics President Dr. Kristine Young will deliver to us in the coming academic year.”
The Strategic Plan 2020-2025 identifies three strategic initiatives, with a series of goals and objectives connected with each initiative. The three overarching initiatives seek to support the College in its commitments to: empower student success by equitably linking students with their aspirations; strengthen the region’s economic future through teaching and training for a brighter tomorrow; and sustain and invigorate SUNY Orange’s planned future as it reimagines human, financial and physical resources.
The inclusive process to develop the plan was spearheaded by a 12-member Strategic Planning Committee led by co-chairs Likkia Moody, director of the Newburgh campus, and Dr. Damon Ely, professor of biology. The Board provided high-level guidance to the College’s administrative leadership team, which in turn worked with the President’s Cabinet to develop preliminary concepts for the three main initiatives. From there, the Steering Committee, along with Strategic Initiative Committees comprised of volunteers assigned to each initiative, conducted research and solicited input from many sources as they refined the initiatives prior to developing the accompanying goals and objectives. Input from SUNY Orange employees and students, as well as the community-at-large, added the final nuances to the plan.
“I commend the Steering Committee and all who were involved for bringing this plan to completion, particularly as the College responded to a global pandemic that, virtually overnight, brought about unprecedented changes,” Young added. “No one lost sight of the importance of maintaining our timeline, and that credit goes to Likkia and Damon who provided leadership and energy for the Steering Committee.
“As we build out our implementation plan, establish benchmarks and identify proper assessment measures this Fall, we will do so knowing that we will continue to shape our students’ futures, enhance our neighbors’ lives and remain the community jewel that we have become through 70 years of loyalty to our College’s purpose. The students of today, and tomorrow, need to feel confident we will remain affordable, accessible and reliable, and provide a quality education, as they pursue whatever their academic and career aspirations may be.”
Joining Moody, Ely and Martucci on the Steering Committee were: Meg Atwood, Nancy Boylan, Vinnie Cazzetta, Sam Dillon, Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich, Josh Lavorgna, Bruce Roman, Michelle Tubbs and Christine Work.
SUNY Orange was founded on June 9, 1950, as the first county-sponsored community college in the State University of New York. From its modest beginnings in September 1950 when 154 students attended the College’s first classes, SUNY Orange now serves nearly 5,000 students on campuses in Middletown and Newburgh.