SUNY Ulster Campus Reentry Plan is Approved

STONE RIDGE – Dr. Alan P. Roberts is pleased to announce that SUNY Ulster’s Reentry Plan, developed by SUNY Ulster’s Reentry Task Force encompassing the needs of all members of the community, has been approved by SUNY. SUNY Ulster is actively engaging in the next steps of safe reentry to the College’s Stone Ridge Campus and Kingston Center of SUNY Ulster.

“The health and safety of our students and community has been our number one focus and will continue as the top priority. All operations have been evaluated to ensure a safe return for students and staff. This includes adhering to social distancing practices, providing effective personal protective equipment, and ensuring that proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols are implemented for all facilities and operations.”

Faculty and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty have been reviewing all course sections to determine how each will be delivered.
SUNY Ulster is offering four, high-quality learning modalities for instruction in the fall 2020 semester, which will commence on Monday, August 24, per the existing academic calendar.
These are: remote delivery of all course content; remote delivery of lecture content with on-campus lab, clinical, studio; blended or hybrid courses; and fully online courses. An updated course schedule highlighting the fall 2020 learning modalities will be available in the coming weeks.

On-campus learning experiences will be limited to those courses that require critical hands-on lab, clinical and practical components, such as STEM, Fashion Design, Nursing, Veterinary Technology, Criminal Justice and Human Services, Police Basic Training, Art, Music, and Continuing and Professional Education. These learning experiences will be conducted following social distancing and reduced density protocols with course objectives determining on-site need.

Any fall 2020 in-person instruction will be prepared to pivot to remote learning modalities if needed. Additionally, we are prepared to serve students who are required to undergo a 14-day quarantine.

SUNY Ulster Learning Residencies Additional high-quality learning possibilities will be announced for select disciplines for fall 2020, including the opportunity for pre-scheduled on-campus classes and content days through social-distancing protocols and reduced-density measures.

On-site staff operations will remain limited to ensure social distancing and to maintain a reduced campus density. Each department has created a departmental safety and staffing plan, these plans outline new departmental procedures and on-site staffing levels. Each department will have limited face-to-face services available by appointment. As this plan is subject to change due to new information, guidance, and/or direction from the State and County, staff will prepare for a return to remote operations on a daily basis.

All on-site employees, students, and visitors shall wear a face covering when social distancing cannot be consistently maintained and whenever walking throughout College facilities. PPE devices including disposable face masks and/or face shields will be provided, at no cost, at all health services check-in points.

Various screening tools will be deployed. We are currently evaluating several options including an online pre-entry screening tool that will be deployed prior to initial reentry to campus. This questionnaire will be more in-depth and will address questions related to potential exposure to COVID-19 while also assessing current health and wellness. No-touch thermometers will be used to check temperatures daily for all on-site students, faculty, staff, or visitors.

Hygiene, cleaning, and disinfecting protocols provided by the CDC guidelines are maintained throughout our facilities.

“I am appreciative of the collective efforts of our faculty and staff during this challenging time in supporting our students for their continued success,” adds Dr. Roberts.
Contact a SUNY Ulster Enrollment and Success Counselor to apply and register online for SUNY Ulster’s fall 2020 semester.

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