We, as a people, are so separated and divided! Why? How in the world could any African American support President Trump? How? How? How? What kind of mindset would enable one to be so misdirected in your thinking, in your mind? The way that he has outrightly shown his disdain for us, how could you be amongst those that seemingly have lost their minds. Why? How? For “All” of his actions that have shown us just how much that he could care less than a hoot about us, how is it possible for you to care so much about him. As I sat watching his presentation last night and watching the African American woman that was directly behind him nodding her head in agreement to everything that President Trump was saying, my heart felt very heavy. WOW! So many of my people are still functioning in a “ hoodwinked” position, which is so sad.
I know that Dr. King and our precious brother Malcolm X would be turning over in their graves due to what is going on right about now. How is this possible? What or who has behooved them to be in such a frame of mind that they could so willingly and knowingly support someone that has shown over and over and over how grossly they despise us?
Wow! Something is very radically wrong with this picture. What’s “Really” going on? America, America, a country that has continuously, throughout the years, since our forefathers were snatched from Africa, has showed my people just how much they deplored us. How is it possible that so many of my people “Love” their captors. How? Why? In no way can I or could I “Ever” understand that mindset. Have some of my people developed “Seriously” amnesia? Wow!
Some, but not “All” white folks, have despised us so deeply that it didn’t bother them seeing our forefather’s bodies hanging from trees, their limbs being chopped off, and so many other degrading things done to them. How is it possible that those ‘White” folks could be so cold blooded and many of them still are that way? The very strange part about “All” of this is that many of them profess to be “Christian!” Wow! What is it going to take to wake up those of my people that do not understand this? How long? How long? How long? What is it going to take to wake them up? It seems like some of them will “Never” wake up. Very sad!
This upcoming presidential election is going to “Reveal” to some exactly what the “Real” deal of this country is going to “Really” be about. Even if Vice President Biden and Senator Harris do win, things in this country, as it pertains to “Race” relations, is going to continuously go downhill because those that are trying to stop them from winning, will “Never” give up their hatred for us “Black” folks. They have “Always” considered us to be nothing but “Animals,” in fact truthfully they look upon and treat their animals better than they have treated my forefather’s and still are treating us. Lord Have Mercy! What is it going to take to bring this madness to an end? How is it possible for a country that professes to be very largely Christian, that this could possibly be going on? Give some “Real” serious thought to “All” of this my friends. “Serious,” “Serious,” “Serious” thought.
Last, but most definitely not least, very recently what I saw on Councilman Shakur’s Facebook page caused my spirits to lift up. What did I see? An organization known as the “Roughriders” were here and they were riding around our city with Mayor Harvey and Councilman Shakur. They are interested in doing some very “positive” things in our city to help our young people. More about this will be forthcoming because I had a long discussion about this with Mayor Harvey and he will be sharing more about it, which I will then share with you. Peace! Wake Up! Wake Up!
Please do not forget to “Vote!”
This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say!