NEWBURGH – In response to the recent “Yellow Zone” designation by the State of New York, the City of Newburgh urges all residents and businesses to double down on efforts to keep the community healthy and safe.
What does it mean to be designated a “Yellow Zone?”
A “Yellow Zone” area either is put in place as a broader buffer area to ensure a COVID outbreak is not spreading into the broader community (“Yellow Buffer Zone”) OR is implemented independently based on the below metrics (“Yellow Precautionary Zone”). The purpose of a Yellow Buffer Zone is to 1) restrict some activity to help prevent further spread from Red and/or Orange Warning Zone area; 2) provide a larger defined geographic area where metrics can be monitored daily to ensure COVID is not spreading beyond the Red Zone or Orange Warning Zone.
How does our status as a “Yellow Zone” affect me, my family, or my business?
Once the geographic focus area has been formed, including buffer areas where necessary, the state will implement appropriate restrictions which are listed below to limit spread of the virus. In addition, all zone areas will be subject to:
• Increased community testing efforts
• Increased enforcement and compliance efforts
• Outreach from state officials to support local containment and educational efforts
• Increased contact tracing support
• Increased public education outreach where necessary
Activity Restrictions
• Houses of Worship: Capacity is immediately reduced to 50% until further notice.
• Non-Residential gatherings: Maximum attendance is reduced to 25 individuals regardless if their location be outdoors or indoors.
• Residential gathering: Maximum attendance is reduced to 10 individuals regardless if their location be outdoors or indoors.
• Local Businesses: Remain open and must continue to adhere to already adopted CDC guidelines and sanitary practices.
• Dining: Indoor & outdoor dining is reduced to only accommodate a four (4) person maximum per table and must continue to adhere to already adopted CDC guidelines and sanitary practices.
• Schools: May remain open, however, there will be a mandatory twenty (20%) percent weekly testing of students, teachers, and staff for in-person settings.
Testing Locations
For the most updated list of testing sites, please visit the NY State Website:
In addition to the restrictions listed above, everyone must to adhere to the Executive Order(s) issued by the State of New York and reduce the spread as the pandemic enters into flu season. A full list of the Executive Orders issued by the State of New York can be found via:
Over the last several weeks, the City of Newburgh and the surrounding region has seen significant upticks in cases, and the advisory being issued today is meant to safeguard against increased exposure.
Residents are encouraged to avoid non-essential functions including out-of-state travel and remain in compliance with applicable guidelines related to the pandemic. The City of Newburgh applauds the leadership on both the County and State levels. Over the past weekend, the overwhelming majority of the City of Newburgh remained in compliance with Executive Order 202.74, limiting hours of operation for bars, restaurants and other establishments. As such, the City encourages all residents to limit activities between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM to whatever extent they can. It would be prudent to limit all travel to essential functions and practice social distancing and wearing a mask when doing so.
The COVID Response team in the City of Newburgh will continue to enforce regulations and restrictions from the State of New York and work hand-in-hand with the community to both increase outreach and educational efforts related to the Coronavirus and best practices.
The public are encouraged to remain aware of the steps each of us can take to reduce transmission of COVID-19. Health organizations are working around the clock to ensure people can get assistance for medical and mental health needs. Find information on our Health Resources webpage, including increased testing locations and services in the City of Newburgh website.
Support Local Businesses
Our local businesses are adapting to rules to encourage social distancing and minimize the spread of COVID-19. We urge the community to continue to support them in this time of need. A list of local businesses and their operations is maintained on the City’s website.
Food Security
Food pantries, phone hotlines, and occasional bulk food events are operating in our community. Please share this information with people who are in need. We maintain a list of these resources and it is updated frequently.
Nonprofits & Community Advocacy
Social services organizations are serving our community’s most vulnerable residents. Find a list of social services organizations and nonprofits in Newburgh on the city of Newburgh website.