New Windsor Supervisor Warns Town

NEW WINDSOR – Town Supervisor George Meyers has issued a cautionary warning that the Town of New Windsor is facing tough economic times. “The town, as is the case with many businesses and residents, is not in great financial condition,” he said.

But, as far as he is concerned, “raising taxes is not an option.”

Two issues or problems exist, namely the economy and the town’s union contracts with its two employee unions, he said.

Those contracts were negotiated “a couple of years ago during different economic times,” but he said an attempt was made “to seek some concessions from the PBA and the CSEA – to no avail as of this time.”

Meyers noted that many local businesses and residents are struggling with many business owners and residents telling him they do not know how they will be able to pay their taxes.

“We cannot continue going forward as if nothing is wrong,” the supervisor said.