Tuskegee Airmen Announce Scholarships

The New Windsor-based Maj. Gen. Irene Trowell-Harris Chapter of the national Tuskegee Airmen Inc. organization has announced eight scholarships totaling $13,000 to be tendered to deserving Hudson Valley high school seniors. The awards will be made at a “virtual dinner” to be held on February 6, 2021 at seven p.m.

In years past, the Newburgh Free Academy has always been the home school of multiple winners, but this year, Cornwall Central High School students won three of the scholarships with a fourth from Cornwall-on-Hudson’s Storm King School.

The winners are:
• Michaela Brown, Cornwall Central High School
• Hannah Cullen, Newburgh Free Academy
• Nicole Davis, Cornwall Central High School
• Dominique Gooden, Storm King School
• Celest Ibarra, Tri-Valley Central School
• Manpreet Kaur, Middletown High School
• Nathan Woinicki, Cornwall Central High School
• Mya Zilberberg, Newburgh Free Academy

The Trowell-Harris Tuskegee Airmen chapter has been granting tuition-assistance awards since 1999. During those 22 years, it has bestowed a total of over $238,000 on students bound for colleges and vocational schools. The chapter has now established the Hudson Valley Tuskegee Airmen Endowment Fund to guarantee the viability of future scholarships in perpetuity, as part of the chapter’s mission to protect the legacy of the original World War II Tuskegee Airmen and their part in the vast movement for Civil Rights for African Americans.