NEWBURGH – The Downing Park Planning Committee of Newburgh is hosting a spring tree planting and dedication ceremony to honor celebrated author David Schuyler, a Newburgh native who is Andrew Jackson Downing’s biographer. The event will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 9th and family, friends and colleagues are invited to attend at Downing Park.
Master of Ceremonies, Orange County Historian Johanna Yaun, as well as Colleages of David, Dr. Gretchen Sorin, Director of Cooperstown Graduate Program and Wint Aldrich, former NYS Deputy Commissioner of Historic Preservation will lend remarks and insights into Schuyler’s achievements.
Schuyler, who passed away last July, was a professor of American Studies at Franklin Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and he edited, authored, and co-authored many additional works on architecture and historic preservation.
This event was made possible by donations of friends and family of David as well as in kind services ofJon Joseph Welding & Fabricating, Inc. and Palisi Autobody, Inc.for furnishing and painting the commemorative plaque base, and John Giudice and members of the Delano Hitch Restoration Fund for the cement work.