BEACON – The City of Beacon City Council adopted a resolution at its meeting Monday night establishing a policy for the City to purchase 100% renewable electricity for its government operations in 2021 and beyond. In addition, the Council also authorized execution of an agreement with a Community Distributed Generation (CDG) company, which will ensure that all of the electricity used by the City is generated at solar facilities in the Hudson Valley.
A majority of the City’s electricity use is already renewably generated at the commercial solar facility installed at the former Denning’s Point Landfill in Beacon under an agreement with BQ Energy. Since its installation in 2018, the facility has covered approximately 60% of the City’s electricity demand and saved the City approximately $80,000 annually on its electricity costs. The Council’s policy will now require the City’s remaining electricity usage also be renewably generated, either through installation of additional local renewable generation or through the purchase of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), which will help to support increased investment in green energy production.
The City will now partner with ELP Myer Solar LCC to purchase electricity produced at a Hudson Valley solar farm to cover some electricity used by the city not covered by the Denning’s Point installation. This will help to bring more renewably generated energy into the region’s electricity grid and will result in a modest savings on electricity for the City. This agreement will be augmented by purchase of RECs, which are sold independently of the electricity ensuring that the City’s electricity is carbon-neutral.
Mayor Lee Kyriacou noted, “The City of Beacon is committed to remaining an environmental leader in the Hudson Valley and beyond. The new policy and expanded commitments to renewable energy will result both in increased sustainability of City operations and modest financial savings.”
Beacon’s Climate Smart Coordinator Eleanor Peck said, “I applaud the leadership of the Mayor and City Council in taking the next critical step to making Beacon one of the greenest communities in the region. The commitment to use 100% renewable electricity starting this year shows Beacon is serious about taking action locally to stem climate change.”
In addition to the new policy and agreement, Beacon is actively considering building additional on-site renewable generation, working to install additional electric car charging stations at city parking lots, and awaiting delivery of a second plug-in hybrid electric vehicle for its fleet.