Resolution Passes For Compassionate Agenda

NEW PALTZ – At the urging of Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson, the Town of New Paltz, New York unanimously passed a resolution for the Compassionate New York agenda, a statewide legislative plan to guarantee healthcare for every New Yorker, stop unjust evictions, and end mass incarceration.

The resolution is the first of its kind in the state of New York and comes on the heels of rallies last month by elected officials, community leaders, and activists who first unveiled the agenda.

“This is an important step forward,” said Jonathan Bix, Executive Director for Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson. “The town of New Paltz understands that residents in the Hudson Valley and across the state are continuing to feel the deep injustices the COVID-19 crisis only further exacerbated. Working people and communities of color continue to be hit the hardest by these crises. The Compassionate NY agenda is the bold solution we need to address the cycles of inequity caused by housing instability and eviction, incarceration, and lack of affordable healthcare. We applaud the town of New Paltz for passing this resolution and supporting a plan that will save lives and save billions.”

“The pandemic has shown us the important role that local governments play in helping residents through public health crises,” said Dan Torres, the Deputy Supervisor of the Town of New Paltz. “Now as we continue to deal with the ripple effects of COVID-19, we must focus on new ways to help our residents and meet their needs. The NYS Compassionate Legislative agenda will do just that by guaranteeing health coverage, providing tenants with additional rights, and allowing those who have done their time to engage in civic and economic life. I am proud to join Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson and other communities around our area in calling for this meaningful change.”

On Monday, May 24, Neil Bettez, Supervisor from the Town of New Paltz, and kt Tobin, Deputy Mayor of the Village of New Paltz, will join Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson for a press conference at Academy Green Park (238 Clinton Ave, Kingston, NY 12401) in support of the Compassionate NY agenda.

A report shows that the Compassionate New York agenda would save nearly $12 billion in the first year of implementation alone. The New York Health Act would reduce total healthcare spending by at least $10 billion, Good Cause Eviction protections would save over $1.6 billion, Elder Parole and Fair and Timely Parole bills would save $522 million annually.

Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson is a grassroots organization fighting to win a New York State and country that works for all of us, not just a greedy few. We do that through organizing regular people – across race, age, and class – to come together and win campaigns and key elections that impact all of our day to day lives.