Protecting the Tree Canopy in Our City

Dear Editor:

Newburgh’s Conservation Advisory Council is charged with protecting the tree canopy in our city. Plans provided by the School District for the new NFA building involves the removal of scores of trees from the forested hillside abutting West Street.

Many studies have found direct correlation between academic achievement and tree cover near schools.

Our City’s Urban Forestry Plan shows trees reduce noise and pollution levels. Children who live on treed streets have lower rates of asthma. Trees increase property values by 7% and lower temperatures by 6 degrees in summer saving on cooling. Employees who see nature from their desks experience 23% less sick time and report greater job satisfaction.

In the City of Newburgh, developers must re-plant, tree-for-tree any removed. If space around the new CTE building is limited, native trees can be planted on other school or city properties – a list of approved trees is available. Trees benefit us all, let’s work together for a healthier future.

Chuck Thomas
Newburgh Conservation Advisory Council
Newburgh, NY