Pools Are Now Open in the City of Poughkeepsie

POUGHKEEPSIE – City of Poughkeepsie officials have announced that city pools were opened on July 5 after remaining closed last year due to health and social distancing concerns connected to COVID-19.

The pools will be open only to city residents, and entrance fees are being waived this year.
“We are so grateful to be able to make this announcement,” said Mayor Rob Rolison. “City staffers have worked hard to make this happen, and I commend them on their excellent work.”

Both the Pulaski Park Pool located at 162 Washington Street and Spratt Park Pool located at 121 Wilbur Boulevard will be open from noon to 6:30 p.m. each day. All children must pass a swim test in order to swim in the deep end of the pools.

Lap swimming will be available at Spratt Park Pool daily from 11 a.m. to noon. Swimming lessons will be available from 11 a.m. to noon at Pulaski Park Pool by appointment at the pool site.

City officials pointed out they reserve the right to close the pools due to public health, weather-related and/or staffing issues. The pool houses will remain close, and there will be no concession at the pools. Residents are encouraged to picnic outside of the pool areas. Non-vaccinated residents are also asked to wear a mask into the pool areas but are not required to while physically in the pool swimming.