The Dirty Games That People Play On and On, Wow

My mind was blown, and still is, as I’m thinking about the outcome of this past Democratic Primary in the city of Newburgh. Wow! Dirty games were once again played to assure that this time around candidate Schenekwa McNeil would be the one to lose and that is exactly what happened. The candidate that assured Schenekwa’s loss evidently has no love or concern about “Our” community. Wow! How long is this dirty madness going to be allowed to continue on like this? How could people who supposedly are concerned about things getting better in “Our” community have allowed themselves to be participants in this madness? Wow!

For years this city has had those within the African American community who continously “Sold” us out and that is why not that much has ever changed for the least of those within our community. On and on and on and on this “Madness” has been allowed to exist within our community and that is the major reason. Right about now I am thoroughly disgusted due to the fact that this madness seems to never end. It’s the same old song being sung over and over again. What is it going to take to “Wake” our community up? How long are we going to allow ourselves to be complacent to such madness? How long? How long?

The city of Newburgh has “Always” had this problem going on within it. How sad! The people within our “African American” community have “Always” allowed themselves to be manipulated by people who were only in the political game for the betterment of themselves. How sad! Truthfully, this is able to continously go on and on due to the fact that we are so naive to this game that has been played throughout the years. Sad to say but that “Dirty” game is still being played. What is it going to take to “Wake” the African American community up. Why do we continously allow ourselves to be continously manipulated? Why? Why? Why? How long is it going to take for us to realize that there are some people within our community that only gives a damn about themselves? How long is it going to take to realize the “Real” deal? Truthfully this really saddens my heart because I was “Very” shocked re: another candidate’s dirty behavior in this past election. Wow! As they say “politics makes strange bedfellows” and this is absolutely true. Wow!

I was also shocked to hear some people within “Our” community on Election Day stating that they were not aware of who the candidates were. Wow!

When I saw those words coming forth from some on Facebook that literally blew my mind because the individual that made that statement is a relative of someone that is very active within our community. I also was shocked when I went to several very involved people’s Facebook pages there was nothing supporting Schnekwa at all. Wow! There were some very “Dirty” games being played in this election which was very mind-blowing. Wow!

We have a real “Serious” problem going on within our community and until it is “Seriously” addressed nothing is ever going to “Seriously” change for the poor. It seems like they are meant to be kept poor so that the city can continously have monies sent in to irradicate poverty, but once the money is received, poverty still remains. What’s up with that?
Councilman Shakur cannot uplift “Our” community by himself and that’s the “Real” bottom line. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

The “Change” that is truly needed within “Our” community cannot be brought about by his one vote. The turnout in this past election was a joke. Why? Why? Why? What’s “Really” going on? It’s going to be quite interesting to see what evolves in the November general election! Fasten your seatbelts for what will be evolving in November. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

This is “Lillie’s Point of View” and I’m just having my say, now you can have yours. PEACE!