Back to School Supplies Distributed by Legislator

POUGHKEEPSIE – Dozens of children in the City of Poughkeepsie received school supplies thanks to corporate and private donors on Sunday. The “giveaway” was hosted by County Legislator Barrington Atkins at the Firemen’s Exempt on Mansion Street.

City Councilman Chris Petsas, a member of the Firemen’s Exempt called the community event a “successful event to benefit our most at-risk community. The Firemen’s Exempt is willing to step up to help an event that benefits the youth of our city.”

Lawmaker Atkins has background in social work. “The kids have been anxious about returning to school. With the support of corporate partners like MHA Dutchess and others, I am hoping to alleviate some of the fears children have.”

Atkins put together backpacks of school supplies and distributed them to the kids while food was available due to the generosity of Los Wood. Wood is a local chef who is credited with reviving the city’s Riverfest that recently brought the city back together. “Events like Riverfest and this giveaway bring the community together peacefully, and that’s huge,” said Wood.

Atkins noted that the line of kids seeking supplies stretched around the block and it was “gratifying” to be able to help. “If this helps a child get to school, I am more than happy to help.”