Public Invited to Attend “Big Sit” on Public Land

On Saturday, October 2, the Alan Devoe Bird Club (ADBC) will host what is called a “Big Sit” on public land near the gazebo at Stockport Station, a location that offers views of the Hudson River along with parts of the marsh and surrounding shoreline. Event donations by individual and business donations will support the New York State Breeding Bird Atlas.

The New York State Breeding Bird Atlas is five-year inventory of birds breeding in our area and across the state conducted every 20 years by volunteer birders. The current Atlas is now in its second year and in need of financial support in these trying times. The collected data inform decisions that sustain the habitats of our local and regional natural areas that are so essential to birds, wildlife, and our area’s high quality of life.

From dawn to dusk on October 2, birders of all ages and abilities are encouraged to visit the Bird Club circle at Stockport to learn more about birds, the Bird Atlas, and the ADBC, and perhaps join circle participants. The Big Sit will be a Covid-safe opportunity for people to enjoy an autumn day and learn about the birds and other critters who call these wonderful meadows, wetlands, and woods home.

If you want to join the circle as a counter, contact Marian Sole (203-710-9096) to reserve your time slot so the circle is not overcrowded and current COVID protocols are followed. If you wish to make a donation, contact Sue Senecah (518-210-3027).

For more information about the Alan Devoe Bird Club’s Oct. 2 Big Sit, see You can donate either by check to the address above or via PayPal from their website under “About Us.” We appreciate any contribution to support this worthy effort.

Founded in 1957, the ADBCbrings together Columbia County residents and interested parties who share a common bond of the love of nature and fascination with its wildlife. The Club owns and maintains the Powell Wildlife Sanctuary in Old Chatham for free, year-round public access and enjoyment. The Wildlife Sanctuary has truly been a sanctuary over the past 18 months for many who appreciated more than ever the value of connecting with nature. The Club also offer bird walks, presentations, and other activities. Occasionally, it raises funds for important causes like the Atlas.