As one listens to the news, either watching television or listening to the radio, one eventually finds their heads spinning regarding all of the madness that they are either hearing or viewing. Truthfully, it’s nothing but a ball of confusion going on. Thousands of people have died due to the “Corona Virus” that is going on throughout the land, but still many people are still not wearing a mask. Wow!
What is it going to take to wake those people up that are not interested in getting the “Corona Virus” shot? Truthfully, if the many deaths that have occurred due to “Corona Virus”’ has not caused the naysayers to finally wake up, more than likely nothing else can or ever will. To that I ask, “how ignorant can one really be?”
Truthfully, that kind of stupidity is very life threatening and dangerous. How many more deaths have to occur before they wake up and realize that this is no joke? What is it going to take to finally make them realize that what’s happening is very life threatening? They are putting their lives and so many other people’s lives in very “serious” danger. Why? Why? Why?
Is this a “serious” rejection due to their not liking President Biden? Are those that are very “seriously” ignoring the fact that this “Corona Virus” is killing many people are doing so because of their political alignment to President Trump? Just asking!
Truthfully, what is going on throughout the world should be giving mankind a very “loud” wake-up call. In my heart I do believe that the world is experiencing the winding down of time. Truthfully, I do believe that what we are seeing unfolding before our very eyes is happening to cause mankind to “Wake Up!” “Wake Up To What?” Wake up and recognize that mankind’s time on this earth is winding down. Say what?
Those that have a Bible should read the book of Hebrews for it is intended for us in the end times, the days just before the return of Jesus Christ! Paul was writing for a time leading into “The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ!” Truthfully, we have “never” seen things throughout humanity going on in the way that they are now. Turbulence is going on throughout the world. Wow! Man’s inhumanity to man has truthfully risen to a higher level. We should be “very” concerned about that. Truthfully, in my heart I do believe that things are going to continously get worse. Racism is going to grow deeper. Man’s inhumanity towards man is going to increase, not decrease.
Truthfully, I find it to be quite amazing that in this country, that professes largely to be occupied by a large proportion of Christians, that so much separation and division can be in existence. Why? How is this possible? Give some “real” serious thought to that question.
Also, give some “real” serious thoughts as to how there is so much racism in a country that claims to be so religious? Where is the love that Christians are “commanded” to give to one another? Where is it? I guess that this is due to the fact that very many of those that are proclaiming to be Christians are professing it from their mouths and not from their hearts.
Scripture “commands” not “suggests” that we who are professing to be Christians should “love” one another. Where is the “love?” Where is it? How was there such silence coming forth from many of our white Christian brethren re: slavery? How was that possible? Truthfully, that is a question which needs some very “serious” thoughts given to it.
Also, how was and is it still possible, that most pictures of Jesus Christ present Him as being white when scripture says that his hair was like wool and His skin was like copper? What’s up with that? That’s nothing but a ball of confusion.
As “Christians” we are “commanded” not “suggested” to “love” one another. Where is the “love?” Where is it? How is it possible that many of the “white” Christians have remained so silent re: “racism” throughout this country? One’s silence towards or against something means that they are in agreement with it. Throughout the years a large proportion of “white” Christians have been very silent re: “racism” in this country. Why have they not launched a “cry loud & spare not” voice against it? Truthfully, also the “Black” church does not mention “racism” very frequently. To that I say that “Black” preachers should most definitely purchase the book “God Of The Oppressed” by James H. Cone, whom just happens to be an African American preacher.
Most of the material of this book was presented as lectures at seminaries, universities, and churches in America and on the continents of Africa and Europe. Truthfully, to my knowledge, there are not many preachers such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was. Let me share an excerpt from this book with you so you can understand the significance and importance of this book for us “Black” folks.
“The black Church taught me how to deal with the contradictions of life and provided a way to create meaning in a society not of my own making. In the larger ‘secular’ Black community, this perspective on life is often called the “art of survival”, but in the Black Church, we call it the “grace of God.” It is called survival because it is a way of remaining physically alive in a situation of oppression without losing one’s dignity. We call it grace because we know it to be an unearned gift from Him who is the giver of ‘every good and perfect gift.’ This is what Black people mean when they sing: ‘We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in his holy Word.’”
Praise God from whence “all” of our blessings flow. The reason why I shared an excerpt from this book “God Of The Oppressed” is due to the fact that taking into consideration what I see going on throughout the land, in regards to us “Black” folks, we need to know and realize that God is concerned about “everything” that concerns us “Black” folks also.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a perfect example of a preacher that embraced and showed how a preacher, especially an African American preacher, should be to his flock. How they should make sure that they are involved with the things that enables their flock to have a decent way of living, as it pertains to justice. There is no justice when there is a “limited” way that one can have a decent liveable wage job, a decent apartment, and all of the other things that enables one to have a safe, decent way of living. I do not hear many preachers bringing messages such as this forward to their flocks. I recommend this book, for it will open your eyes, minds, and hearts to understanding what messages should be included in the messages that our preachers are bringing forth to their flocks.
I also recommend that you purchase the “Original African Heritage Edition” Holy Bible (King James Version) and also “Martin Luther King, Jr. On Leadership” (Inspiration & Wisdom For Challenging Times) By Donald T. Phillps. This book “Captures the essence of how one man can lead powerfully, yet peacefully, during times of social upheaval.” -Dexter Scott King
To my readers, I have missed sharing my thoughts with you, but for some unknown reason my “iPad” would not function properly. Hopefully, you missed me too.
This is “Lillie’s Point of View” and I’m just having my say! Now “YOU” can have yours! PEACE!