Photo Book Chronicles a Soldier’s Sacrifice

MOUNT VERNON – Westchester County Executive George Latimer was presented a 58-page photo book paying tribute to the service and sacrifice of Corporal Morris D. Link of Mount Vernon.

Link was killed in action during World War I and served with the legendary 369th Infantry Harlem Hellfighters. He was one of 85 soldiers from Mount Vernon killed in World War I.
A centennial ceremony in Mount Vernon commemorating Link’s homecoming was held in October.

Latimer said, “Corporal Link and the Harlem Hellfighters gave selfless service to the community and country. Their level of commitment should be honored and I am grateful to receive this beautifully crafted book that shares their story. It will be on display here in our offices in the Michaelian Office Building.”

The centennial memorial book was put together by Mount Vernon resident Terrence Horton, a former Commissioner of the Department of Public Works.

Horton said, “County Executive Latimer has been a pillar and a role model for the city of Mount Vernon. As he grew in his career, he never forgot to look back. This particular memorial and recognition of Corporal Link is so germane to the Executive’s philosophy because what it does, it represents extraordinary moments in time.”

Horton also sent the book to President Joe Biden, Governor Kathy Hochul and Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard.