March is Recognized as Women’s History Month

GOSHEN – Orange County Legislator Genesis Ramos read the official Orange County Resolution recognizing March as Women’s History Month during the first in-person meeting of the body this year on March 3.

The resolution read:

WHEREAS, Women’s History Month recognizes and spreads awareness of the importance of women in the history of our Nation, State, and County; and

WHEREAS throughout the history of the United States, whether in their homes, in their workplaces, in schools, in the courts, or during wartime, women have fought for themselves, their families, and all people of the United States; and

WHEREAS, women have played a unique role throughout our Nation’s history by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force; and

WHEREAS, even in the early days of the history of the United States, women were particularly important in the establishment of early charitable, philanthropic, and cultural institutions; and

WHEREAS, women of every race, class, and ethnic background led the efforts to secure suffrage and equal opportunities for women, and also served in the abolitionist movement, the emancipation movement, labor movements, civil rights movements, and other causes to create a more fair and just society for all; and

WHEREAS, women have been and continue to be leaders in the forefront of the law, business, science, government, math, art, literature, music, film, athletics, and other fields; and

WHEREAS, since the American Revolution, women have been vital to the mission of the Armed forces and have served our country courageously, with more than 200,000 women serving on active duty and 2,000,000 women veterans representing every branch of service; and

WHEREAS, more than 10,000,000 women own businesses in the United States; and

WHEREAS, President Jimmy Carter recognized March 2 through 8 1980 as “National Women’s History Week”; and

WHEREAS, in 1987, President Ronald Reagan issued a Presidential proclamation proclaiming March 1987 as “Women’s History Month”; and

WHEREAS, despite these contributions, the role of American women in history has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the literature teaching and study of American history; and

WHEREAS, much remains to be done to ensure that women realize their full potential as equal members of society; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Orange County Legislature recognizes March as Women’s History Month for Orange County; and we commend these sentiments to every citizen of Orange County that all might reflect upon the contributions of women in the United States.

“It was such an honor to read the resolution for Women’s History Month,” Ramos said.