South Middle’s Annual Books and Breakfast

NEWBURGH – Saturday, May 7th, 2022 South Middle School held its annual Books and Breakfast event to celebrate reading and community over a delicious breakfast. Dozens of student and staff volunteers arrived bright and early on a Saturday morning to support hundreds of students and their families at South Middle School’s 9th Annual Books and Breakfast event. SMS gave out hot breakfasts prepared by student chefs under the supervision of Mr. Wenzel and Ms. Tancredi during the event while listening to the music of South’s very own Ms. Whaba and her band. Each student had the opportunity to select culturally responsive books based on a student’s interest, play games with families, and gather information from local community organizations. SMS is grateful and thankful for all who supported another successful event!

Saturday, May 7th, 2022 South Middle School held its annual Books and Breakfast event to celebrate reading and community over a delicious breakfast. Dozens of student and staff volunteers participated.
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 South Middle School held its annual Books and Breakfast event to celebrate reading and community over a delicious breakfast. Dozens of student and staff volunteers participated.
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 South Middle School held its annual Books and Breakfast event to celebrate reading and community over a delicious breakfast. Dozens of student and staff volunteers participated.
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 South Middle School held its annual Books and Breakfast event to celebrate reading and community over a delicious breakfast. Dozens of student and staff volunteers participated.