NEWBURGH – Effective June 1, 2022, the minimum rate of fare for taxicab transportation within the City of Newburgh will be $8.00. The rate of fare for transportation of passengers who are 65 years or older, whose point of transportation originates within the City of Newburgh, and whose point of destination concludes within the City of Newburgh will be $4.00. If a passenger requests a taxicab to wait more than five minutes, the charge for waiting has increased to $2.00 for each additional five minutes. This rate increase is the first change in the City of Newburgh since 2008.
In addition, an official designation of a “Taxi Stand” on the Northside of Broadway will be effective June 1, 2022. The designated Taxi Stand is to begin 7 feet from the face of the curb on the east side of Prospect Street and run east for 130 feet to the Westernmost portion of the curb cut to the entrance to St. Patrick’s Cemetery. Signs will be installed on June 1 to indicate the designated parking area for taxis.
The decision to increase taxi fares and designate a taxi stand was made at the City Council Meeting on May 23, 2022, when the City Council unanimously approved Ordinances No. 4-2022 to amend Chapter 272 and Ordinance No. 5-2022 to amend Section 288-80 Schedule XXII: Taxi Stands of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Newburgh.
Members of the public are encouraged to report taxis that do not comply with the newly amended Ordinances via the SeeClickFix application which can be downloaded on Android and iPhone devices.
Reports can also be made via the City website at