Capital Improvements Underway at Area Schools

POUGHKEEPSIE – Poughkeepsie High School students will return to improved restrooms thanks to the capital improvement project voters approved in fall 2020. Work began this summer to repair and make improvements to about half the restrooms at the school along with bathrooms at the Early Learning Center and roof projects at Poughkeepsie Middle School, Warring Elementary School and Krieger Elementary School. Boiler work is also being done at PMS, Warring, Clinton, Morse and the ELC under the project.

Gabrielle Marcigliano, project manager for Triton Construction, said bathroom work at PHS will be completed on those before school starts – including the addition of a new restroom located off the weight room.

Tiling has already been installed in one of the bathrooms located in the main office.
Tiling has already been installed in one of the bathrooms located in the main office.

While supply chain issues are causing delays for some work, other items arrived early, allowing work to continue. One example is the tiles for the PHS bathrooms, which arrived 1½ weeks early.

“We were able to start that. We’re gaining in some areas,” she said, adding, “I have no major concerns at this point.”

PMS’ roof is nearly complete save for some trim work and work on Warring’s roof is ongoing but should be completed before school reopens.

While materials were delayed for work on PHS’ roof, Marcigliano said they are doing patch work to fix leaks until the project can be completed next year.

The boilers scheduled for replacement this summer won’t be available until October, but that hasn’t stopped work to replace them from beginning, Marcigliano said.

“All the demolition and abatement work is done and we’re running pipe over the summer,” she said. As soon as the boilers arrive, they’ll be installed at PMS, Warring, Clinton, Morse and ELC.

Work on Krieger’s boiler is also being done, but it was removed from the capital project and is now being covered by insurance to the flood earlier in the year.