Why is Pat Ryan the best candidate NY-18?

Dear Editor,

Let us be honest Orange County is a special place. The population is not quite red or blue; conservative or liberal. We have metropolitan centers surrounded by beautiful farmland. The national political landscape draws a hard line between parties we never fit neatly into. I believe more than ever citizens of Orange County need to vote for a candidate from our area who represents our unique district. Pat Ryan is one of us. He knows what a Friday night in Dietz Stadium means for our local football teams. He went to college in our community at West Point and ultimately became a combat veteran in Afghanistan. Yes, his resume says he is ready for this role, but does his politics represent us? I work in public health, and two areas continuously emerge as priorities for our citizens in every corner of the county. The first is a great need for mental health and substance abuse support. Pat is dedicated to finding a solution that provides affordable, quality healthcare for everyone. Without healthcare accessibility quality care is financially out of reach. The second is improving support for women. Pat supports a women’s right to make their own choices, health care or otherwise. Both conditions are essential for addressing our county’s concerns. No matter political lines, there is only one candidate that represents our unique region. Only one promising to address our citizen’s collective priorities. Vote Pat Ryan for NY-18.
Adolfo Rivera
Newburgh, NY