POUGHKEEPSIE – Reflecting on his 11-year tenure, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro presented his farewell address to the community, entitled “We Made a Difference,” as residents, County officials and local leaders gathered in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building in Poughkeepsie. County Executive Molinaro, who took office on Jan. 1, 2012, will assume his new role as Member of Congress in the United States House of Representatives on Jan. 3, 2023.
The address not only highlighted the myriad accomplishments of County Executive Molinaro’s four terms in office – including, among many others, inception of the ThinkDIFFERENTLY initiative, creation of the Stabilization Center as the cornerstone of the County’s innovative mental-health services, sustained tax relief and vital services for children, families, seniors and veterans – but also thanked the more than 1,800 County employees for sharing his vision of dedicated service to Dutchess’ nearly 300,000 residents.
County Executive Molinaro said, “No problem we solved, no challenge met, no bridge built, no program developed was accomplished by one mind nor one set of hands. … At all hours, every day, County Government employees work to make our community better, safer, and I’m grateful to all of you for your dedicated service.”
As prescribed in the Dutchess County Charter, County Executive Molinaro will tender his letter of resignation at 11:59 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, at which time current Deputy County Executive William F.X. O’Neil will be sworn in as Acting County Executive to serve out the remainder of the term, which runs through Dec. 31, 2023.
“Bill’s decades of experience and passion for this community will serve him well. I know in the coming year, Bill will continue our work and leave a lasting legacy of his own,” said County Executive Molinaro, who will represent New York’s 19th Congressional District. “As we begin a new year, I assume a new role, one with new challenges and ripe with opportunities, but please know I take you – all of you – and the lessons we’ve learned together with me. Though I leave this place, this place will never leave me.
“I thank you all for the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to serve you, the responsibility to lead, and the opportunity to learn. I hope it might be said of our time together that we didn’t serve to make a point; we served to make a difference. And in that, my friends, we did it. We made a difference.”
The full text of County Executive Molinaro’s speech, as well as a replay of his remarks, is available on the County’s website, dutchessny.gov/farewell.