Kingston Caps Short-Term Rentals via New Zoning Code

KINGSTON – On behalf of grassroots organization For the Many, Political Director Brahvan Ranga released the following statement regarding last week’s unanimous passage of a new zoning code by the Kingston Common Council:

“We applaud Mayor Steve Noble and the Kingston Common Council for adopting a new zoning code that takes necessary steps to increase the city’s long-term housing stock. We are excited to see an end to minimum parking requirements and the legalization of accessory dwelling units. However, we are most optimistic about the code’s cap on short-term rentals like Airbnb units.

“‘Vacation rentals’—Airbnbs where the host doesn’t live on the property—are a scourge to cities across the Hudson Valley that desperately need more long-term housing. Kingston has now taken the important step of limiting the number of “full permits” for vacation rentals to 1% of the city’s long-term housing stock. This will likely cut the number of the city’s Airbnbs in half. While our Homes Are Not Hotels legislation would go further and ban vacation rentals entirely, this is still a positive development for Kingston.

“We will continue advocating for Homes Are Not Hotels across the Hudson Valley, and are hopeful that Newburgh and Poughkeepsie will be next to pass strong short-term regulations to ensure everyone can afford to live here.”