NEWBURGH – The inaugural Orange Peel to Pavement Run/Walk 5K welcomed Dr. Manning Campbell as the Grand Marshal for their event.
Sponsored by The V.I.P. Pearls of Orange County New York (an Official Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated) hosted the event to raise awareness of mental health and raise money for scholarships for local high school students.

“Our scholars look to the adults in our community as role models. The VIP Pearls of Orange County New York continue to provide positive opportunities and influences to our children as they learn and grow throughout our community. I am honored to support physical wellness, mental health awareness, and educational opportunities as the Grand Marshal of the inaugural Orange Peel to Pavement 5K Run/Walk.” Dr. Jackielyn (Jackie) Manning Campbell, Superintendent of Newburgh Schools. She added, “Physical wellness can have a tremendous influence on mental health. When our lives are lacking in either of these areas, the rest of our lives will suffer as a result. For our students, the foundational elements of their education rely on a well-balanced health and wellness routine. Our children will only find success in this area if our community is on board. Educating our communities to move together and reflect together is essential for our shared growth as individuals, a community, and society as a whole.”
NFA Boys Track team athletes were along the route to offer support and water to runners and walkers. Dr. Manning Campbell was joined by NYS Senator Rob Rolison, City of Newburgh Mayor Torrance Harvey, the president of Crystal Run, and several NECSD employees as supporters of the event.