Mount Vernon High School Students Go To Paris

MOUNT VERNON – At the Board of Education meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, the Mount Vernon City School District said, ‘Bon Voyage!’ to 18 Mount Vernon High School students who are going to Paris. Students departed on their plane to France on Friday, February 16.

The students received travel bags from the District that contained journals, pens, toothbrushes and other essentials.

“Not only do we educate the students, but we want to have well-rounded students,” said Board of Trustees President Lorna Kirwan. “We want to have them be full global citizens, so this is very important for me especially. So, I said to Dr. Smith, ‘You have to make this possible,’ and we put a plan in place.”

To qualify for the trip, students were required to have an average GPA of over 75% and attendance over 80%. Enrollment in French was not required to make the trip.

Students will partake in six days of experiential learning about art, history, culture and language. They will visit museums, try authentic French food and learn about life in France.

“Since I haven’t traveled much in my life, this gives me a unique opportunity. Because not a lot of people have this opportunity to be able to go to France,” said Ryan Freckleton, 11th grade student at MVHS. “I think it’s important for people to go and travel outside of their normal school and home life to enjoy the world and have different perspectives on life.”

To defer some of the costs, students put on bake sale fundraisers with Brooke Toomey, a French teacher at MVHS. Over $5,000 was raised on GoFundMe as well.

“We had weekly meetings, did some bake sale fundraisers and really developed a great community and supportive learning environment,” said Ms. Toomey. “I can’t wait to just go and see how much fun they’re going to have and all of the things they are going to learn. I wanted to do this because my aunt took me to Paris when I was about their age, and it changed my life. I expect this trip will be equally as valuable and memorable for our students.”