Anthony Geraci Leaves Local Police Department

NEWBURGH – Newburgh City Police Chief Anthony Geraci has resigned from the city police department to take a position in the Newburgh school district. Geraci was named the director of safety and security for the Newburgh Enlarged City School District at a special meeting of the board of education on Friday.

Geraci and City of Newburgh Police Commissioner Jose Gomerez joined the city police department in 2021. Both men took their oath of office in front of a capacity crowd in August 2021.

“We have had the pleasure of collaborating with Mr. Geraci in his role as chief of police for the City of Newburgh over the past several years and learned of the many amazing interventions and strategies he has implemented to support communities, neighborhoods, and most of all children and young adults,” said Superintendent Jackielynn Campbell Manning.

“Safety isn’t simply the presence of security monitors or law enforcement, safety is a comprehensive system of monitoring, educating, and building relationships so that everyone has the capacity to provide an emotionally and physically safe and secure learning and working environment,” she said. “In order for students to learn, they must feel safe and supported, in order for our faculty and staff to work their magic, they also must feel safe and secure.”

The now vacant job of police chief is a civil service position, meaning the successful applicant must be from the top three candidates in the most recent chief’s civil service test. If there is no current test list, the city may appoint a candidate on a provision basis until he or she takes the next test and scores within the top three.