Read the World Honors Students with Prizes

By RJ Smith

POUGHKEEPSIE – Clinton Elementary School hosted the first competition of a new program titled Read the World: “Motivational Reading Program,” which was launched on January 26, 2024. The event was attended by Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson, Pastor Michael A. Bell, Jr., Officer Kevin VanWanger and Officer Gary Beahan from the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department. Financial Development Center Manager Jannera Cruz from the Heritage Financial Credit Union was also present.

The award ceremony was held for the three fifth grade winners: Natalee Llewellyn, Leo Aguilar and Grand Prize winner J’Anna Campbell. The prizes received by Aguilar and Llewellyn consisted of Visa gift cards. In addition, a brand new iPad was awarded to Campbell.

Sheba Abrahaim, Jolanda Jansen, Gaivoora Abrahaim, Yisrah Abrahaim, Pastor Michael A. Bell Jr, Alesia Lunsford and Elizabeth O’Raffity are the team responsible for organizing the reading program. When creating the “Read the World: Motivational Reading Program,” Abrahaim spoke to Poughkeepsie born actor, director, humanitarian Bill Duke. “This program is important and essential to our children’s development,” Duke said. “I really liked the idea.” This conversation sparked and inspired the name “Read the World.” Sheba Abrahaim stated the purpose of the program was to build reading comprehension skills of the students in the Poughkeepsie area, who experienced a significant decline in test scores since the COVID 19 outbreak back in 2020.

Team member Jolanda Jansen, who is also an attorney, lent her expertise to assist Sheba in managing the program. “I am a big supporter of Sheba,” said Jansen. “Whenever she calls me and asks me to do something, I show up. I assist with managing the organizational aspects, so that it’s set up properly.”

Jolanda also emphasized how structure and proper organization is embedded within the program. “Part of what we’re trying to decide as we go forward is how we want to structure ourselves,” said Jansen. “We would like to continue to be affiliated with the school.”

Gaivoora Abrahaim is another member of the team responsible for conducting the program. She expressed her love for the program and how she looked forward to future steps being taken. “It was exciting working with the children,” Abrahaim said. “We’re looking to expand the list of books and I’m hoping the kids would like to read as well.”

Officers VanWagner and Beahan were also present at the competition. “The City of Poughkeepsie PBA prides itself in being involved in events pertaining to the City’s youth,” said VanWagner and Beahan. “We are excited and always looking to participate whenever we can.”