By Jennifer L. Warren
NEWBURGH – “Heart to God, hand to man.”
It’s a motto that resides at the epicenter of most everything The Salvation Army does; its Newburgh Corp, serving Newburgh and the East of Orange County, was tangibly living that mantra Wednesday when they joined altruistic forces with another cornerstone agency, RECAP, and provided over 200 hot Thanksgiving turkey meals to residents.
“It’s a motto that we lived today,” said Major Ana Guzman, Corp Officer and Pastor for the Salvation Army Newburgh.
Inside of 234 Van Ness Street, from 11:00am-1:00pm, a steady flow of guests could be seen, sitting down, reclining, and thoroughly enjoying not only traditional Thanksgiving food fare: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and cranberry sauce, but the priceless company and companionship of others. Accompanied by festive holiday melodies, along with an impressive showing of around 20 dedicated volunteers-including Master Chef, Pete Vesuvio, owner of City of Newburgh’s Vesuvio’s Ristorante, as well as others hailing from such organizations as SNUG and the Orange County Department of Health- and representing all ages- from high school to senior citizens, guests were able to experience a feeling of genuine community, filled with acceptance and love.
“We are so grateful to all of the volunteers and local agencies who came by to work with us to provide a nice Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings to the people of Newburgh,” said Jose Guzman, who similar to his wife, Ana, is a Corp Officer and Pastor assisting the Salvation Army Newburgh Corp. “It’s so nice to see people sharing a meal together- both inside and outside of this space, so many expressing how grateful-thankful they were to have this event available.”
Meals were also picked up by two, area agencies and distributed to individuals in need. The philanthropic, far-reaching, local Salvation Army food gesture takes place year-round. A regular soup kitchen is available Monday-Friday at the Van Ness location as is a popular food pantry, serving over 100 families, on both the first and third Wednesday of each month.
This year’s Thanksgiving Community Meal event, celebrating 25 years of offering much anticipated-embraced holiday lunches- witnessed some extra special flair: a resident, who had recently lost a relative, happenstance upon the gathering, asking if any turkeys were available; it just so happened that the Salvation Army locale had one on hand to donate to the visibly appreciative man. That joy was sure to spread to his entire family, allowing for the main staple for a treasured Thanksgiving meal…along with so much more.