Lending Library Launched With School District

NEWBURGH – Last Thursday, Cornerstone Family Healthcare launched a Lending Library in partnership with The Newburgh Basics, a program through the Newburgh Enlarged City School District, housed on their Pediatric floor. In October 2017, the NECSD launched The Newburgh Basics, a free guide that helps parents nurture development of children from birth to three years old. The event today is one of many that highlights the connection of the district with community partnerships, and promotes the vision of the district: Through the work of all, we will achieve inclusive excellence.

“We are excited to establish this lending library with one of our many community partners, Cornerstone Family Health. We have always said that the only way for our district to take a critical step forward, is when we fully commit to working with our community partners. Today is a perfect example of how this partnership will manifest critical knowledge, that will help families and our future scholars. The research is very clear that the most brain development occurs in children from birth to three years of age. This partnership and others, will help to ensure that literacy is not an issue in our school for years to come. The Newburgh Basics and literacy in general form the foundation for our youngest scholars to successfully arrive at Academy Field and become leaders beyond their graduation day,” said Dr. Roberto Padilla, Superintendent of the Newburgh Enlarged City School District.

Group poses with Dr. Padilla and members of Cornerstone Family Healthcare.

The books were collected and donated by students from New Windsor Schools. The bookcases were designed, created, and painted by students in Newburgh Free Academy’s, Main Campus Construction Academy, under the guidance of their teacher, Mr. Chris Cotton with consultation from Mr. Steve Kaleita, from Local 17.

“Every baby is born with potential. There are simple things that everyone can do to help those babies reach their potential and those things don’t take money or even too much effort on our part – or the part of parents. The Newburgh Basics is that perfect tool that is free and will help our babies reach the potential they were born with,” said Dr. Avi Silber, Cornerstone Family Health Chief Medical Officer.

“Parenting can be hard and it can be lonely work. Partnering with organizations like the school district is a great way to show parents that there are a lot of community groups that are able and excited to help parents nurture and teach their children – to help support the hard work of parenting,” said Dr. Alicia Pointer, Cornerstone Family Health Provider.

Dr. Lisamarie Spindler spoke briefly and introduced her students, noting the purpose of the Leadership Club at New Windsor School is to empower students to speak and present themselves.

Two fifth grade students from New Windsor School’s Leadership Club gave a brief presentation about The Newburgh Basics and spoke about why their club chose Cornerstone and The Newburgh Basics as part of the Service Learning aspect of their club.

“The Leadership Club is a program in our school that helps students to be better leaders and helps students to bring out natural leadership skills. As part of the club, we have to do a service project. This year, we chose to collect books to spread throughout the community. We chose Cornerstone as one of the places to donate books because children may be waiting for their parents while they are in their appointment and that’s a great time to read a book – and fits in great for Newburgh Basics.” Jenell Rosales, 5th grade and Emma Lewis, 5th grade

At the end of February, students from New Windsor School’s Leadership Club are giving a presentation about The Newburgh Basics to parents.

Dr. Spindler, Principal of New Windsor School and Mrs. Martinez, School Counselor facilitate the club and estimate that the club has collected hundreds of books so far. The Leadership Club has also created a lending library in the lobby of their school called Read Box, a play on the video rental outlet Red Box. The also coordinate a book exchange with a bring one, take one model.

Additional information about The Newburgh Basics can be found here on the website: www.newburghbasics.org.