As I was gazing at the tv screen the other evening my heart was overwhelmed regarding what I was hearing pouring forth out of the mouth of a little girl. The cries coming forth from her caused my mind to be snatched back to a time which I have read and heard about regarding my forefathers history. During “slavery” there were many children crying and screaming as they were taken away from their mothers to be sold to other slave masters. Wow! Here we are in 2018 and because of their mothers trying to escape the horrid conditions in their country their children are being snatched from them and put in foster care many miles away. What kind of madness is this?
This type of madness should not be surprising for the ones committing these horrific acts learned them from their forefathers. It’s in their culture! What is culture? It is socially learned knowledge and patterns of behavior shared by a group of people. The sum of attitudes, customs and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Now please don’t feel that I am saying that this is the attitude of all, but it most definitely is the profile of many within our government and also many throughout our country. What happened to the 1886 mentality when the Statue of Liberty was created and the words which were written upon it?
In 1865, French abolitionist Edouad de Laboulaye proposed the construction of a monument for the US to mark the end of the US Civil War and institutionalize slavery. To de Laboulaye, the end of America’s slavery was the last step in the US becoming a beacon of democracy to the world, explained George Tselos head archivist for the statue and neighboring Ellis Island. When the Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886, it was a symbol of friendship with France, and a celebration of democracy and the end of American slavery.
Upon the Statue of Liberty these words of Emma Lazarus were written:”Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these the homeless, tempest- tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” To some Americans, those words stir in their hearts, but to many others they are a literal nightmare. Which are they to you? Think about that! Presently, we have seen the depressing photos of children in cages at the southern border and heard the haunting cries of children crying out for their mothers. Over 2,000 children are separated from their parents and many of them are in many states far away from where their parents are. All because their parents were trying to come to America. What is going to be the final outcome of this madness? Do you really care? If not, why not?
On Tuesday, June 19th in celebration of “Juneteenth” I attended “A Celebration Of Black Independence Art Reception” which featured art of emerging artist Malinda Ware. Her artwork was fabulous. Malinda looks forward to her work making an impact to inspire conscious thought, conversations and change. Yes!
Bulletin: The Police Community Relations Review Board meeting is being held Wednesday, June 27 at 7PM at Mullins Apartments (Walsh Rd. Newburgh, NY) in the Community Room. Please show up!
This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say!