Ham License Self-Study, Review, and Exam

The Orange County Amateur Radio Club (OCARC) is announcing “Tech License 2020,” an 8-week self-study program followed by a 2-day intense review, and FCC exam on the second day.

The end-of-year break and cold winter days could be the perfect time for you (or a family member and you) to prepare and begin the new year as a licensed ham radio operator! The entry-level “Technician License” gives all privileges for the VHF/UHF frequencies, the first major step inradio communications and emergency preparedness. You will learn on-air operations, repeaters, radio wave propagation, even satellite communication. The exam is 35 multiple-choice questions, administered by certified volunteer examiners. There is only a $15 administrative fee for the exam, and no age limitation! The Q&A (question/answer) license manual by Gordon West is a proven study textbook, containing the entire FCC question pool with clear and thorough explanations, ideal for self-study. Experts from OCARC are only a phone call away, if you have questions during your self-study.

Register now for “TECH LICENSE 2020” by calling 845-391-3620, to receive instructions, and to reserve a seat for the 2-day review taking place at the Orange County Emergency Communications Center (ECC) in Goshen, NY, on Saturday, Feb. 22, 9 am – 5 pm, and Sunday, Feb. 23, 9 am – noon, with exam Sunday at 1 pm.

When you register, you will get information for ordering the Gordon West Tech License manual, and directions to the classroom location at the ECC.More information at www.ocarcny.org.