YONKERS – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano last week joined Yonkers Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada to present his School Spotlight Award to the deserving administration, faculty, staff, parents and students at Westchester Hills School 29. Under the leadership of Principal Steven Murphy, Westchester Hills School 29 is being recognized for providing a high quality inclusive learning environment within their school which allows students from all backgrounds, learning styles and abilities to be successful.
“Westchester Hills School 29 continues to place a strong focus on the overall quality of education for our students by placing a strong emphasis on providing an inclusive learning environment,” said Mayor Spano. “I commend Principal Steven Murphy, as well as the administrators, teachers and staff for ensuring every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging.”
The administration, teachers and staff at Westchester Hills School 29 pride themselves on their inclusivity; all of the regular and special education students in this prekindergarten through grade 8 school participate in every activity and program throughout the year and the general education students volunteer in the special education classroom and assist in the programs.
Ø Westchester Hills School 29 has 16 self-contained classes for students on the Autism spectrum, as well as Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classes from grades 3-8.
Ø Students receive services in Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy in partnership with Saint Joseph’s Medical Center in Yonkers.
Ø Full time Art Therapy, Music Therapy, and Adaptive Physical Education is provided at the school.
“Principal Murphy and the entire staff truly embrace the school’s theme ACES – Academics, Character, Evolving, and Social, elevating everyone’s ability to achieve their potential. During my many visits to the school, it is clear that this outstanding staff is focused on student achievement and welcomes parent as partners,” noted Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada added, “Westchester Hills School 29 is the quintessential example of the inclusivity work we do in all Yonkers schools. Over the past eight years, we have done significant work to bring our Special Education students back to schools in the district. We have increased the number of classes for students on the Autism spectrum from 14 classes to 41 classes in 9 schools. This speaks volumes about our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts throughout the district.”
Mayor Spano’s School Spotlight Award highlights four Yonkers Public Schools within the academic school year for their significant academic success, extracurricular achievements and community involvement.